Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finally, a "ding"

Today in human geo we went over the test that we just took. I got a 93% and it is the best test grade I have gotten all year. I only got one wrong and it was the one that asked like what kind of misquote can carry malaria.  I said that any kind can carry it and it was actually a female misquote. We had a short class today so we did not do much. at the end of class we just talked about exams and we will be getting a study guide soon so that is good. That's all that we did today, see ya.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A passing test

Today in human geo we took a test and I did good, this will be the time that I get a ding. The test was very easy and I knew all of the questions, it was also a humorous test. I liked the Grace Mottley jokes. I went through the test pretty fast but I still checked my answers so I think I did good. That's all for today, thanks for reading.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Notes

          Today in human geo we took notes for the test. I learned that a total of 637,003 loans have been funded through Kiva. The average loan size on Kiva is $410.89. The average Kiva user has made 10.06 loans. Students that want to pay for their education can also use Kiva not just small businesses.  A down fall of microloans is that it has high interest rates. They can be as high as 23%. I will continue the notes Friday. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

test questions

Dominic Huskins

       Q- What are Microloans? 
       A- A microloan is a small loan that helps small businesses start up or improve there store.

       Q- What do they do for people?
       A- They help the people make more money through their small business.

       Q- What does Kiva do?
       A- Kiva is a cite that you can loan people money through.
       Q- What does microfinance do to communities with these small businesses?
       A- They build up the communities wealth which will cause people to get more things like public transportation.
       Q-  How do large chain stores destroy small businesses?
       A- They destroy small businesses by taking their business because of their cheaper prices.

       Q- How do you get malaria?
       A- You get malaria from misquotes.

       Q- Is there a vaccine for malaria?
       A- No.

       Q- What is the biggest way to prevent malaria?
       A- Using misquote nets.

       Q- Do people help these countries prevent malaria?
       A- Yes Bill Gates has an origination that does this.

       Q- How many people die of malaria a year?
       A- 655,000


Monday, December 2, 2013

slide sharing

          Today in human geo we went over the slide show that we made as a class. In my opinion they were very good. It had a lot of information and was very informative. Everyone had to read the slide or slides We also looked at the other groups slide show, it was creative. It was an extra long class today so we got to have a brake half way through class, so that was good. Unfortunately we did not get to talk about guppy today. That's all for today, thank you for reading.