Saturday, August 31, 2013

Greek Words and Phrases

Greek words and Phrases

agora- the marketplace of Athens.

arĂȘte- a pointy mountain ridge.

polis- a Greek city

The year 508 BC- The city of Athens was established in this year.

Socrates- a phosphor from Athens.

The death of Socrates- He was killed because he criticized Critias, the tyrant of Athens told him must either drink poison or be excused.

The Socratic method- Is a method of discussion between people by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking.

What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- An idiot to Ancient Greeks is a person who is private and secretive.

Five Point Action Plan

My five point action plan to success in ninth grade at John Carroll is:

1) The first step is to complete all of my homework on time. I will do this by bringing all the required books home and taking good notes.
2) The second step is to keep an A-B average in my classes. I will do this by paying attention and studying hard for tests.

3) The third step is to use my computer for educational purposes only. I will do this by not downloading any games or anything distracting.

4) The fourth step is to complete all my work if I am absent and missed something. I will do this by contacting my teachers right away and getting the work.

5) The fifth step is to keep up on work because if you get behind it is very hard to get caught back up. I will do this by completing all work as soon as possible.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What we did on 8/28/13

Dominic Huskins

Today in human geography we talked about how the class will be working. We talked about what supplies we will need bring, what we will be doing in class and how we will be using our blog. We will bring a marble composition book. We will be talking about all things human geography related, such as what humans eat and how we live. On our blog we will be posting things about what happened in the class every day, we will also be posting notes. We will sometimes be able to use the notes we put on our blog for tests and quizzes. We use our blog to save paper when we do assignments in class or at home. We will be posting our assignments as well. We also talked about how you can edit your blog if you need to. We will usually take notes in our composition book rather than our one note app.   

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My first day at John Carroll

Dominic Huskins
Human Geography
Mr. Schick
My first day at John Carroll
My first day at John Carroll was great.  I had a lot of fun going to all the different places like the library, the upper gym, the lower gym, the auditorium and the brown room.  I can find my way around the school much better now.  In the library I learned about the importance of recycling and the Drama productions.  In the upper gym we took our pictures for the year book and for the school debit card.  In the lower gym and the Brown room we went over some rules about how we are expected to act in school.  In the auditorium a retired basketball player named Kerry O’Neill came in and talked to us about how to make good choices and how to say no to drugs and alcohol.  He also told us some jokes and had a class picture taken. After that I started mod one and I went to my classes for Monday. Over all my first day was great.