Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My first day at John Carroll

Dominic Huskins
Human Geography
Mr. Schick
My first day at John Carroll
My first day at John Carroll was great.  I had a lot of fun going to all the different places like the library, the upper gym, the lower gym, the auditorium and the brown room.  I can find my way around the school much better now.  In the library I learned about the importance of recycling and the Drama productions.  In the upper gym we took our pictures for the year book and for the school debit card.  In the lower gym and the Brown room we went over some rules about how we are expected to act in school.  In the auditorium a retired basketball player named Kerry O’Neill came in and talked to us about how to make good choices and how to say no to drugs and alcohol.  He also told us some jokes and had a class picture taken. After that I started mod one and I went to my classes for Monday. Over all my first day was great.

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