Saturday, August 31, 2013

Five Point Action Plan

My five point action plan to success in ninth grade at John Carroll is:

1) The first step is to complete all of my homework on time. I will do this by bringing all the required books home and taking good notes.
2) The second step is to keep an A-B average in my classes. I will do this by paying attention and studying hard for tests.

3) The third step is to use my computer for educational purposes only. I will do this by not downloading any games or anything distracting.

4) The fourth step is to complete all my work if I am absent and missed something. I will do this by contacting my teachers right away and getting the work.

5) The fifth step is to keep up on work because if you get behind it is very hard to get caught back up. I will do this by completing all work as soon as possible.  

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