Monday, October 7, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us: final chapter

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography

            Today in human geography we finished the video. It was good the ending was different from other videos it did not say they had a happy ending. It showed that these people had real challenges and that life is not just become easy because you move to the US. In the movie we saw that Panther got a new job as a bus boy in a restaurant. Daniel moves out of the apartment to get in the job core so he can go to college. John starts school at community college. He figures out that his family was alive, they are in a refugee camp and they have a disease. One of the boys that was in Pittsburgh took off and the police found him. He had post-traumatic-stress disorder and was put in a mental hospital. In the end Panther marries his girlfriend, meets his mother and sister and he plans to open a school in his village in Africa. John is supporting his family in Africa and in America. He has founded a non-profit organization and is building a medical clinic. Daniel is taking classes at a community college and has never found his family.

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