Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geo we talked about Nationalism. We watched a video on part of a TV show, it was mainly about which country is the best. Personally I think that no single country is the “best”, I think that the USA is one of the most powerful countries in the world but not the best. There are many other countries that are free and have the same types of government programs. America has been known as “the big brother”, this is because we help people around the world, I think that that makes us great. I also think that this is a bad thing because all of us as Americans are paying for this. I think that America was the best county on the planet, we are still great but other countries have caught up to us and this makes us not standout as much. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.  

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