Wednesday, October 30, 2013

reglion slides

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geo we shared more slide shows, I learned about Hinduism, Judaism, and Buddhism. With Hinduism I learned that they have many different holidays. One is Maha Shivarati, this takes place on march 12 and is a night of fasting to show devotion to Shiva. Another one is Gudi Padwa, this takes place on march 23 and is the day that Brahaman created the world. With Judaism I learned that they have a little over 14 million people following the religion. The religion is based in Jerusalem, Israel. There priest is called a Rabbi which means teacher. Yahweh is there God and there official language is Hebrew. With Buddhism I learned that there practices are based on the teachings from Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buda. Buddhism is mostly in India and Asia. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.    

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