Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"God Grew Tired of Us"

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human Geography

            Today in human geography we started the video called “God Grew Tired of Us”. It was about the country called Sudan and there was people that lived there that were forced out of their home because of a war that was going on. It was a civil war in Sudan between the north and south. The north was Muslims and the south was Christians and animists. First all the people of the southern part of Sudan fled to Ethiopia and stayed there in refugee camps for three years. Than the refugee camps shut down and all the people had to travel all the way down to Kahuna, Kenya. Than they settle in Kahuna for a while, than they get an offer to go to the United States. That’s as far as we have gotten and we will pick back up tomorrow. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.  

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