Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Finally, a "ding"

Today in human geo we went over the test that we just took. I got a 93% and it is the best test grade I have gotten all year. I only got one wrong and it was the one that asked like what kind of misquote can carry malaria.  I said that any kind can carry it and it was actually a female misquote. We had a short class today so we did not do much. at the end of class we just talked about exams and we will be getting a study guide soon so that is good. That's all that we did today, see ya.

Friday, December 6, 2013

A passing test

Today in human geo we took a test and I did good, this will be the time that I get a ding. The test was very easy and I knew all of the questions, it was also a humorous test. I liked the Grace Mottley jokes. I went through the test pretty fast but I still checked my answers so I think I did good. That's all for today, thanks for reading.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Notes

          Today in human geo we took notes for the test. I learned that a total of 637,003 loans have been funded through Kiva. The average loan size on Kiva is $410.89. The average Kiva user has made 10.06 loans. Students that want to pay for their education can also use Kiva not just small businesses.  A down fall of microloans is that it has high interest rates. They can be as high as 23%. I will continue the notes Friday. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

test questions

Dominic Huskins

       Q- What are Microloans? 
       A- A microloan is a small loan that helps small businesses start up or improve there store.

       Q- What do they do for people?
       A- They help the people make more money through their small business.

       Q- What does Kiva do?
       A- Kiva is a cite that you can loan people money through.
       Q- What does microfinance do to communities with these small businesses?
       A- They build up the communities wealth which will cause people to get more things like public transportation.
       Q-  How do large chain stores destroy small businesses?
       A- They destroy small businesses by taking their business because of their cheaper prices.

       Q- How do you get malaria?
       A- You get malaria from misquotes.

       Q- Is there a vaccine for malaria?
       A- No.

       Q- What is the biggest way to prevent malaria?
       A- Using misquote nets.

       Q- Do people help these countries prevent malaria?
       A- Yes Bill Gates has an origination that does this.

       Q- How many people die of malaria a year?
       A- 655,000


Monday, December 2, 2013

slide sharing

          Today in human geo we went over the slide show that we made as a class. In my opinion they were very good. It had a lot of information and was very informative. Everyone had to read the slide or slides We also looked at the other groups slide show, it was creative. It was an extra long class today so we got to have a brake half way through class, so that was good. Unfortunately we did not get to talk about guppy today. That's all for today, thank you for reading.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"When I was a kid"

Today in human geo we just talked about stories about teachers that we have had and what kind of punishments we got for things. Mr. Schick told us about his guppy stories when he was in school. Everyone was sharing their stories about when they got in trouble. Today was a fun class, thank you for reading.

Monday, November 25, 2013

New Docs Slide Show

            Today in human geo we started a new google docs slide show. We split up the work between the whole class. Me and Ryan are doing What does Microfinance do for people. We have one slide on this topic done and we will probably start the next one tomorrow. I was called to Mr. Ireton’s office in the middle of class and I was really scared. It turned out okay but do not want to go again. That’s mostly all that we did today so thanks for reading.  

Friday, November 22, 2013

The Sub Day

Today in human geo Mr. Schick was not there we had a sub who is my advisor. We were working on the Peace Corps Challenge game. I did not finish the game but I am kind of far along. I have solved three of the problems but my computer was not working rite so I kept having restart it. I have a party for my B-day tonight so I have to go. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Small Businesses

Today in human geo we went over the peach colored sheet, we filled in some answers. Than we talked about how small businesses are having to close down because they can compete with big chain stores. We talked about the good things that come from small businesses like how they support the government by paying taxes and employing people to work in the stores. A local example in at Kefauver lumber company, they cannot compete with the big chain stores like Home Depot and Lowes. They will probably have to close up like all the other places around soon. Participating in small business Saturday helps these small business stay open. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.   

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Not Much Today

Today in human geo we got our tests back and I did horrible I do not even want to say my score.  It was a hard test and it showed on my paper. Mr. Schick gave a picture of himself when he was grading the papers. It was not pleasant, it was a monster thing with horns sticking out of its head and a green face, yea weird. So yea we really did not do much so I guess that’s it, thanks for reading.

Monday, November 18, 2013

"In Your Mind!"

Today in human geo we started the Peace Corps Challenge "In Your Mind!" as Mr. Schick said. It is a game/ learning device where you are in the peace corps and you are helping the fake country of Wanzuzu which is In Your Mind. You are asked to make the best decisions you can for the country even if it hurts yourself. The goal is to make Wanzuzu a better place. you go around to all the people and get their ideas of what they want there country to be like. Most of them own small businesses that they run themselves. that is pretty much as far as we got in the game today so that's all for today, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lord today we had a test

            Today in human geo we took a test and I did not finish all of the questions.  We got to use our blogs but is was still very hard.  I didn’t finish about four questions.  Most of the information I needed was on my blog, it was just really hard to find because I had so much information on it. I did not think there would be as many questions as there were because I thought it was a quiz not a test.  Tonight for homework I am finishing fixing my blog.  We will not have class again until Monday. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Today in class and at home we updated our blogs to have the information that Mr. Schick's slide show has.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

LOOK! ☝☝☝ My new blog name

            On Friday in human geo we went over the test that we took on Monday.  I wrote the answers on the test paper so I can study it easy for the exam.  There will be a test on political geography on this coming Wednesday.  This time I will study a couple of days before so I will hopefully do better on it that the last one.  On the test that we took on Monday Mr. Schick made a mistake so he is giving us 5 points to make up for it.  And lastly I changed my blog name, I know it is exciting. The power point presentation was very fancy, it was definitely better than the one that in did in my blog. that's all for today, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Important Facts

Mexican President Enrique PENA NIETO

1.) Peña Nieto's election marks the return to power of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). The PRI controlled the Mexican presidency for more than 70 years, until the 2000 election.
2.) He is the 57th president of Mexico.
3.) He was the eldest of four siblings in a middle-class family; his father, Gilberto Enrique Peña del Mazo, was an engineer for the electric company and his mother, Maria del Socorro Nieto, a schoolteacher.
4.) Reports that he fathered two children in extramarital affairs while his wife Monica raised the couple’s 3 children, plus the investigation into the sudden death of his wife at home in 2007, have prompted many to call him the Teflon candidate because trouble seems to slide off him.

Chinese President Xi Jinping

1.) He has been the 6th Chairman of the CPG  central military commission since 2012.
2.)  He is also the ex officio chairman of the CPC Politburo Standing Committee.
3.) Xi Jinping is the son of revolutionary veteran Xi Zhongxun, one of the Communist Party's founding fathers.
4.) His daughter goes to Harvard.
5.) Wife is a folk singer and an army general.

Indian President Pranab MUKHERJEE

1.) He is the 13th and current President of India.
2.) Mukherjee was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and occupied several ministerial portfolios in the Government of India.
3.) He taught Political Science at the Vidiyanagar College, and worked as a journalist before entering politics.
4.) Created his own political party.

Afghanistan President Hamid KARZAI

1.) He is the 12th and current President of Afghanistan, taking office on 22 December 2001.
2.) He became a dominant political figure after the removal of the Taliban regime in late 2001.
3.) He emerged as a resistance leader under Taliban rule and worked to undermine the regime.
4.) He is well versed in several languages, including his native Peshto, Persian, Hindi, French and English.

German President Joachim GAUCK/Angela MERKEL

1.) He is the President of Germany, serving since March 2012.
2.) He came to prominence as an anti-communist civil rights activist in East Germany.
3.) Merkel has earned the top spot on the FORBES list of Most Powerful Woman in the world for eight of the past ten years.
4.) Has been Chancellor since November 2005.

Iranian Supreme Leader KHAMENEI and President RUHANI

1.) Khamenei was the victim of an attempted assassination in June 1981 that paralyzed his right arm.
2.) Khamenei has issued a fatwa saying the production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons was forbidden under Islam.
3.) Ruhani was just elected President of Iran - June 2013
4.) Mr Rouhani has held several parliamentary posts, including deputy speaker and also served on the Supreme National Security Council.

Queen of the United Kingdom Queen ELIZABETH II / Prime Minister David Cameron

1.) She is the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states.
2.) Elizabeth became Head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of seven independent Commonwealth countries: the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon.
3.) Cameron is the youngest Prime Minister (43 when he took office) in over 200 years.
4.) His first child, Ivan, who was born profoundly disabled and needed round the clock care, died in February 2009.

French President Francois HOLLANDE

1.)  He was previously the First Secretary of the French Socialist Party from 1997 to 2008, and a Deputy of the National Assembly of France for Corrèze's 1st Constituency from 1988 to 1993 and again from 1997 to 2012.
2.) He also served as the Mayor of Tulle from 2001 to 2008 and the President of the General Council of Corrèze from 2008 to 2012.
3.) Hollande has no previous experience in a national government position.
4.) The mother of his four children is Segolene Royal, with whom he shared a 30-year relationship.

Brazilin President  Dilma ROUSSEFF

1.) She is a Brazilian politician who has been the President of Brazil since 1 January 2011.
2.) Rousseff was raised in an upper middle class household in Belo Horizonte.
3.) She opposed Brazil's military dictatorship of the 1960s and '70s, and served three years in prison, where she was repeatedly tortured.
4.) She has been divorced twice.

Venezuelan President Nicolas MADURO Moros

1.)  He was previously the Vice President of Venezuela and the Minister of Foreign Affairs under President Hugo Chávez.
2.) He was a former bus driver.
3.) Nicolás Maduro Moros worked as a bus driver before becoming politically active in the early 1990s.
4.) After President Chávez won a third term in October 2012, he selected Maduro to serve as vice president. Maduro worked alongside the outspoken president, serving as one of his closest advisers as well as a loyal spokesman, until Chávez's death at 58 on March 5, 2013, from cancer.

Saudi Arabian King ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

1.) He ascended to the throne on 1 August 2005 upon the death of his half-brother, King Fahd.
2.) Abdullah, like Fahd, was one of the many sons of Ibn Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia.
3.) He has fathered 22 children, the youngest when he was 79.
4.) He is worth approximately 21 billon dollars. 

Israelite President Shimon PERES/ Prime Minister Binyamin NATEANYAHU

1.) Peres served twice as the Prime Minister of Israel and once as Interim Prime Minister, and has been a member of 12 cabinets in a political career spanning over 66 years
2.) Peres was elected to the Knesset in November 1959 and, except for a three-month-long hiatus in early 2006, served continuously until 2007, when he became President.
3.) Nateanyahu as a child and youth he lived with his family in the US in the years 1956-58 and again in 1963-67.
4.) After his brother Jonathan (Yonni) was killed,
in July 1976, in the course of the Entebbe Operation, of which he was one of the commanders, Netanyahu returned to Israel and started to advocate international cooperation in fighting terrorism.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Assignment #1

Dominic Huskins

Assignment #1

Country name- Mexico

Type of government- federal republic

Leader’s title- President

Leader’s name- Enrique PENA NIETO

Country name- China

Type of government- Communist state

Leader’s title-   President

Leader’s name- XI Jinping

Country name- India

Type of government- federal republic

Leader’s title- President

Leader’s name- Pranab MUKHERJEE

Country name- Afghanistan

Type of government- Islamic republic

Leader’s title- President of the Islamic Republic
of Afghanistan 

Leader’s name- Hamid KARZAI

Country name- Germany

Type of government- federal republic

Leader’s title- President

Leader’s name- Joachim GAUCK/ Angela MERKEL


Country name- Iran

Type of government- theocratic republic

Leader’s title- Supreme Leader / President

Leader’s name- KHAMENEI / RUHANI

Country name- United Kingdom

Type of government- constitutional monarchy and Commonwealth realm

Leader’s title- Queen

Leader’s name- ELIZABETH II

Country name- France

Type of government- republic

Leader’s title- President

Leader’s name- Francois HOLLANDE

Country name- Brazil

Type of government- federal republic

Leader’s title- President

Leader’s name- Dilma ROUSSEFF

Country name- Venezuela

Type of government- federal republic

Leader’s title- President

Leader’s name- Nicolas MADURO Moros

Country name- Saudi Arabia

Type of government- monarchy

Leader’s title- King and Prime Minister

Leader’s name- ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

Country name- Israel

Type of government- parliamentary democracy

Leader’s title- President / Prime Minister
            Leader’s name- Shimon PERES / Binyamin NATEANYAHU



Monday, November 4, 2013

start of political geography

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geo we took notes on political geography. We talked about how the world is organized. It is organized by: country (an identifiable land area), nation (a population with a common culture), state (a population under a single government), and nation-state (a single culture under a single government and a nation which has the same borders as a state. A nation is a group of people with a shared identity. Nations are culturally homogeneous groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community which share a common language institutions, religion, and historical experience. To be an independent state you will have: recognized boundaries, people who live there on an ongoing basis, organized economy, education, transportation system, government, sovereignty, and external recognition. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.      


Saturday, November 2, 2013

A second chance :) is not for us :(

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography
               On Friday in human geo we took notes for the test which will be next week. All the other groups get to make up the test Monday because they did not do well. Our group will only get one shot at the test though because we did not have time Friday. The notes we took were on the religions we are going over. The slides had mostly the same information in them as the people’s slides that have already shared. Hopefully my group will share our slide sometime next week. That’s all for today, I will pick up on Monday, thank you for reading.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

reglion slides

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geo we shared more slide shows, I learned about Hinduism, Judaism, and Buddhism. With Hinduism I learned that they have many different holidays. One is Maha Shivarati, this takes place on march 12 and is a night of fasting to show devotion to Shiva. Another one is Gudi Padwa, this takes place on march 23 and is the day that Brahaman created the world. With Judaism I learned that they have a little over 14 million people following the religion. The religion is based in Jerusalem, Israel. There priest is called a Rabbi which means teacher. Yahweh is there God and there official language is Hebrew. With Buddhism I learned that there practices are based on the teachings from Siddhartha Gautama also known as Buda. Buddhism is mostly in India and Asia. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.    

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

going over the quiz

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geo we went over the quiz, I still did not get a ding but I will by the end of the semester. The only thing that really stumped me was the nato and all that. They were hard because they are so much alike. After we went over the test Grace shared her slide show, it took the rest of the class and she still did not finish. The rest of us will probably share tomorrow. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.

Monday, October 28, 2013

slide show making

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geo we got into groups and started working on a slide show that we will be presenting to the class. We used the google documents and that was very helpful, my group got a lot done considering we were carrying on the whole time. We got to have a five minute brake. I went to get fries to bring back to class. Everyone acted like starved animals when they saw the fries. Than we got back to work and my group almost finished the slide show. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.  

Friday, October 25, 2013

the unknown quiz

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geo we took a quiz that I had no idea about. Lucky for me I knew most of the stuff on it. It turned out to be not that hard, some of the questions were process of elimination. I think I did pretty well so hopefully it will not hurt my grade any. after I was done we all played games, so that was good. That’s all that we did today so that’s all for today, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geo we talked about Nationalism. We watched a video on part of a TV show, it was mainly about which country is the best. Personally I think that no single country is the “best”, I think that the USA is one of the most powerful countries in the world but not the best. There are many other countries that are free and have the same types of government programs. America has been known as “the big brother”, this is because we help people around the world, I think that that makes us great. I also think that this is a bad thing because all of us as Americans are paying for this. I think that America was the best county on the planet, we are still great but other countries have caught up to us and this makes us not standout as much. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Constant Fighting

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we took more notes on religion. I learned that the Jews believe that they are direct dependents from Abraham and so do Christians. This is called an Abrahamic religion. If you are a Muslim you are probably a Shiite or a Sunni. Religion can also be a dividing force around the world. Hindus and Muslims fight in India (Hindu) and Pakistan (Muslims). There are conflicts between Catholics and Protestants (two forms of Christianity) in Northern Ireland. Jews, Christianity, and Muslims all claim Jerusalem as there religions holy site. They are constantly fighting over the land. Spatial dividend are how we divide the livable space found on the earth establishing social, economic and political regions. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.             

Monday, October 21, 2013

Cultural Geography

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we started with Mr. Schick’s story about his exciting weekend. Then we took notes on cultural geography, I learned some examples of cultural geography. One is Brazil is the only South American nation which does not speak Spanish. It speaks Portuguese so some people might ask the question: Is Brazil Hispanic or Latino? Canada is a bilingual nation. French and English are its official languages. Switzerland has multiple languages but very little conflict between the groups. English is now concentered the world language and is used for most business transactions around the world. The major religions in the world today are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We also learned about ethnic heritage. An example of this is in Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were made into one country which are the Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and the Albanians. When strong leadership died out the different groups fought a very bloody civil war and now they all have separate countries.  We talked about a lot today in class I tried to fit it all in to the blog. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cultural Charcteristics

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geo we got our tests back, no ding again but I will have a ding by the end of the semester. After that we started taking notes on cultural characteristics. I learned that parts of a group’s everyday life and the ideas and themes which the group will teach to all members are cultural characteristics. These same characteristics can also link or divide a region. Some examples of cultural characteristics are: language, religion and ethnic heritage. That’s all for today, I will pick up on Friday, thank you for reading.

Friday, October 11, 2013


Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geography we took the quiz, it was not very hard and I think that I did better on this one than the last one.  It was about the different population graphs.  I liked the “Joke” POPulation Quiz.  It did not take me that long to finish because I knew most of the stuff off the top of my head.  We had two guests in the class and I think that Mr. Schick scared them away.  They did not know how to take the jokes.  That’s all for today I will pick up on Monday, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we got our tests back and continued going over the pyramid charts. My test was not bad but not great either. With the charts we learned some specifics on the different types. The triangle chart is used mostly for developing nations. The nations that they are used for usually has a high birth rate. With the box graph it can sometimes have a bulge in the middle because of a increase in the birth rate of the nation. In the cup graph it has a low birth rate and not many people in the working age. That’s all for today I will pick up on Friday, thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pyramid Charts

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we took our quiz on the movie, it was pretty easy. I only got stumped on one or two questions, other than that is was easy. After the test we learned about population pyramids. There are three basic shapes of population pyramids, they are triangle, box, and cup shape. It is very easy to find the information you are looking for in the pyramid chart. I will pick up on pyramid charts tomorrow. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.    

Monday, October 7, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us: final chapter

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography

            Today in human geography we finished the video. It was good the ending was different from other videos it did not say they had a happy ending. It showed that these people had real challenges and that life is not just become easy because you move to the US. In the movie we saw that Panther got a new job as a bus boy in a restaurant. Daniel moves out of the apartment to get in the job core so he can go to college. John starts school at community college. He figures out that his family was alive, they are in a refugee camp and they have a disease. One of the boys that was in Pittsburgh took off and the police found him. He had post-traumatic-stress disorder and was put in a mental hospital. In the end Panther marries his girlfriend, meets his mother and sister and he plans to open a school in his village in Africa. John is supporting his family in Africa and in America. He has founded a non-profit organization and is building a medical clinic. Daniel is taking classes at a community college and has never found his family.

Friday, October 4, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us: part 3

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we went over our test and watched more of the movie.  I did okay on the test but not great. In the video, they showed the “lost boys” one year into their time in the United States.  They had jobs and were providing for themselves.  They have volunteers to take them to and from work.  They were buying food for themselves and everything they need on their own.  They are doing all these great accomplishments but they seemed to be lonely and bored with themselves.  They are missing there friends back in their home.  That’s as far as we got today I will pick up on Monday. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us: part 2

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we continued to watch the video, “God Grew Tired of Us”.  We picked up where the “lost boys” were getting on the plane to go to America. When they got on the plane they did not know how to work anything, they were eating butter and hand towels. They did not know what these things were, they thought they were regular food. These boys said that the food tasted better in the refugee camps. Some of them get to New York City and they move into their apartment and they do not know what anything is or how anything works. They do not know how to turn on lights, how to use the fridge, and they do not know how to use a trash can. Then there was the people that went to Pittsburg and they had the same experiences. That is as far as we have gotten. That’s all for today thank you for reading.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"God Grew Tired of Us"

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human Geography

            Today in human geography we started the video called “God Grew Tired of Us”. It was about the country called Sudan and there was people that lived there that were forced out of their home because of a war that was going on. It was a civil war in Sudan between the north and south. The north was Muslims and the south was Christians and animists. First all the people of the southern part of Sudan fled to Ethiopia and stayed there in refugee camps for three years. Than the refugee camps shut down and all the people had to travel all the way down to Kahuna, Kenya. Than they settle in Kahuna for a while, than they get an offer to go to the United States. That’s as far as we have gotten and we will pick back up tomorrow. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.  

Monday, September 30, 2013

scavenger hunt checking

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we went over our scavenger hunt papers. We put down the correct answers, I had a few wrong but for the most part I got everything rite. The hardest question for me to find was the one that asked which country had the most exports of oil. I guessed and got it rite so that was good. I thought that there was a question written twice it actually had a one word difference so I got that one wrong. But the rest were fairly easy and they should be a good thing to study on the test. The web site that we used was very informative and I will probably have to use it again for something else. This was a fun, easy activity. That’s all for today thank you for reading. 


Thursday, September 26, 2013

scanveger hunt

1.     What is the population of the United States?


2.     What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?

China, India, European Union, United States, and Indonesia 

3.     What is the population of Pakistan?


4.     What kind of government does the United States have?

Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

5.     What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?


6.     What is the largest country in the world by area?


7.     What country has the third greatest number of airports?


8.     What country has the greatest number of exports?

European Union

9.     What country exports more oil than any other?

Saudi Arabia


10.  What country imports more oil than any other?

Saudi Arabia

11.  What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?


12.  Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?


13.  What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product. It is used to measure a country’s health.

14.  What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?

Qatar and it is 103,900

15.  Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?


16.  Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?


17.  11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?



18.  What other country is in the top ten?



19.  Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?


20.  Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?


21.  What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?


      22. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?


      23. What is Net Migration Rate?

It is the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time.

     24. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?


     25. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?




Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Immigration and Emigration

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


            Today in human geography we talked about emigration and immigration. Emigration is when you leave the country and immigration is when you enter the country. People migrate from places like Mexico so they can make money to send back home to Mexico to support their family. I don’t think that these immigrants are “taking American jobs”. I think that if these people are willing to work hard and pay taxes than good for them. I would much rather hire someone who works harder, doesn’t complain and I can pay cheaper than someone who gets nothing done, complains and asks for better pay. I do not think that it is the immigrant’s fault that Americans are on unemployment, I think that it is their own fault.


Monday, September 23, 2013

New Unit

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


            Today in human geography we finished up taking our test. I only had one question left so it did not take me very long to finish. We had 20 minutes which was the time that the fire drill took of class on Friday. Than we started a new unit called Population and Migration. We wrote down our terms for this unit. There are a lot of them but I already know most of them. We learned that there are more people on the earth than ever, there are now 7 billion on the planet. 90% of this population growth takes place in developing countries like Africa and Asia. The average number of life expectancy in the US is 87 years.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Disturbed Test

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we started taking a test on what we disused the past few weeks in class. Than the fire alarm went off and I was not sure if it was a drill or not. We went outside in the fire drill procedure. We were out there for about 20 minutes so when we came back in we continued to take the test. It was not that hard but the essay questions took a little long. I did not finish but we will have time to finish on Monday so it was okay. I finished up to the last essay question so I will not take very long to finish on Monday. The test was not that hard so I think I will get a good grade. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Globalization Slides

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


            Today in human geography we shared the slide shows on globalization, they were very good and I really liked the project. It was fun sharing and hearing about everyone else’s slides. It was good to hear other people’s ideas about globalization. I learned a lot more about globalization and it should help me a lot on the test. After the slide shows we went over what will be on the test on Friday. It should just be everything we have been talking about for the last few weeks. It does not sound too hard I will just need to study my notes. That’s all for today, thank you for reading. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike behind the seans

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geography we talked more about the Nike sweatshops and if they have gotten better since the video we saw. I think it has not gotten much better because they are still paying their workers only $3.70 a day. All these web sites are making it sound that that money better than what they were getting before but once you calculate inflation it is not better at all. Minimum wage in that country is $4.00 a day but Nike is hiring people to rough their workers up and telling the workers they will kill them if they do not sign to except less than minimum wage. Nike is only saving 50,000 dollars a day by doing this and for a multi- billion dollar company that is nothing, they will double that spend that every day a week for one promotion. That’s all for today thank you for reading.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the swoosh

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography
               Today in human geography we talked about the blogs, about how many words they must contain and how they should have a good title. After that we talked about the founder of a group called educating for justice. This man who founded the organization was a soccer player and coach for St. Johns College who had the best soccer team in the country at the time. The college gets offered 3.5 million dollars and all Nike equipment by Nike. This coach was doing some research and found out that Nike has factories in Indonesia and their working conditions are very gruesome. They have wages of one dollar and fifty cents and lower and very long hours. After this coach found this out he was fighting having to wear Nike equipment and promoting the company. His boss told him to drop it or resign so he resigned and contacted a good friend that he went to school with and they went to Indonesia to see how bad these workers living conditions were. They later found out that the workers lived in 10” by 10” foot concrete boxes with open sewers and no beds. With a wage of one dollar and fifty cents they tried to survive for a month. They went to the factories where these people worked and to the offices where the CEO works and no one would speak about the working conditions at their factories. This man went to great lengths to try to help these people. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.