Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the swoosh

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography
               Today in human geography we talked about the blogs, about how many words they must contain and how they should have a good title. After that we talked about the founder of a group called educating for justice. This man who founded the organization was a soccer player and coach for St. Johns College who had the best soccer team in the country at the time. The college gets offered 3.5 million dollars and all Nike equipment by Nike. This coach was doing some research and found out that Nike has factories in Indonesia and their working conditions are very gruesome. They have wages of one dollar and fifty cents and lower and very long hours. After this coach found this out he was fighting having to wear Nike equipment and promoting the company. His boss told him to drop it or resign so he resigned and contacted a good friend that he went to school with and they went to Indonesia to see how bad these workers living conditions were. They later found out that the workers lived in 10” by 10” foot concrete boxes with open sewers and no beds. With a wage of one dollar and fifty cents they tried to survive for a month. They went to the factories where these people worked and to the offices where the CEO works and no one would speak about the working conditions at their factories. This man went to great lengths to try to help these people. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.     

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