Monday, September 9, 2013


Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography
               Today in human geography we got our Google documents working. This is a very handy feature of Google, you can have a group of people or a study group all on the same page to come up with things that you think could be on tests or quizzes or really anything you want. I think that Google documents will help on tests because you can get other people’s ideas on tests and quizzes. It is very easy to set up, you just go to the g-mail account and download the Google drive option and then follow the steps to set up a group. Then you can take notes with other people, once it is set up it is very easy to operate. We had a hard time setting them up because the internet was not working very well on our tablets. But once we got them working it was great. Well that’s all for today, thank you for reading.

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