Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human Geography
            Today in human geography we talked about the spread of things or globalization. We spoke about how they have huge cargo containers shipping across the Atlantic Ocean every day. They are transported from ship to train to truck for transport around the world. We talked about the United Nations and what would happen if the USA pulled out of the Nations. We also talked about what would happen if we stopped funding the Middle East, and if we just pulled all the forces, defenses and money. We agreed that places like Iran and Iraq would completely wipe Israel of the map and then the United States could not get petroleum because of all the fighting. One small move can destroy a whole economy. This is a reason that we should not let Syria do what they are doing, but we are taking many risks if we get involved. Well that’s all for today, thank you for reading. 

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