Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike behind the seans

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geography we talked more about the Nike sweatshops and if they have gotten better since the video we saw. I think it has not gotten much better because they are still paying their workers only $3.70 a day. All these web sites are making it sound that that money better than what they were getting before but once you calculate inflation it is not better at all. Minimum wage in that country is $4.00 a day but Nike is hiring people to rough their workers up and telling the workers they will kill them if they do not sign to except less than minimum wage. Nike is only saving 50,000 dollars a day by doing this and for a multi- billion dollar company that is nothing, they will double that spend that every day a week for one promotion. That’s all for today thank you for reading.

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