Monday, September 30, 2013

scavenger hunt checking

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we went over our scavenger hunt papers. We put down the correct answers, I had a few wrong but for the most part I got everything rite. The hardest question for me to find was the one that asked which country had the most exports of oil. I guessed and got it rite so that was good. I thought that there was a question written twice it actually had a one word difference so I got that one wrong. But the rest were fairly easy and they should be a good thing to study on the test. The web site that we used was very informative and I will probably have to use it again for something else. This was a fun, easy activity. That’s all for today thank you for reading. 


Thursday, September 26, 2013

scanveger hunt

1.     What is the population of the United States?


2.     What are the five largest countries in the world, by population?

China, India, European Union, United States, and Indonesia 

3.     What is the population of Pakistan?


4.     What kind of government does the United States have?

Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition

5.     What is the unemployment rate in Zimbabwe?


6.     What is the largest country in the world by area?


7.     What country has the third greatest number of airports?


8.     What country has the greatest number of exports?

European Union

9.     What country exports more oil than any other?

Saudi Arabia


10.  What country imports more oil than any other?

Saudi Arabia

11.  What country has the second largest proved reserves of crude oil in the world?


12.  Can women serve in combat roles in China’s military?


13.  What is GDP?

Gross Domestic Product. It is used to measure a country’s health.

14.  What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it?

Qatar and it is 103,900

15.  Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita?


16.  Most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent?


17.  11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/AIDS can be found in which continent?



18.  What other country is in the top ten?



19.  Where does the US rank in HIV/AIDS deaths?


20.  Is the US #1 in number of cellular phones?


21.  What percentage of the US is Roman Catholic?


      22. What percentage of Mexico is Roman Catholic?


      23. What is Net Migration Rate?

It is the difference of immigrants and emigrants of an area in a period of time.

     24. Does the US have the highest Net Migration Rate in the world?


     25. According to the Factbook, what is the current population of the entire planet?




Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Immigration and Emigration

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


            Today in human geography we talked about emigration and immigration. Emigration is when you leave the country and immigration is when you enter the country. People migrate from places like Mexico so they can make money to send back home to Mexico to support their family. I don’t think that these immigrants are “taking American jobs”. I think that if these people are willing to work hard and pay taxes than good for them. I would much rather hire someone who works harder, doesn’t complain and I can pay cheaper than someone who gets nothing done, complains and asks for better pay. I do not think that it is the immigrant’s fault that Americans are on unemployment, I think that it is their own fault.


Monday, September 23, 2013

New Unit

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


            Today in human geography we finished up taking our test. I only had one question left so it did not take me very long to finish. We had 20 minutes which was the time that the fire drill took of class on Friday. Than we started a new unit called Population and Migration. We wrote down our terms for this unit. There are a lot of them but I already know most of them. We learned that there are more people on the earth than ever, there are now 7 billion on the planet. 90% of this population growth takes place in developing countries like Africa and Asia. The average number of life expectancy in the US is 87 years.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Disturbed Test

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick


Human geography

            Today in human geography we started taking a test on what we disused the past few weeks in class. Than the fire alarm went off and I was not sure if it was a drill or not. We went outside in the fire drill procedure. We were out there for about 20 minutes so when we came back in we continued to take the test. It was not that hard but the essay questions took a little long. I did not finish but we will have time to finish on Monday so it was okay. I finished up to the last essay question so I will not take very long to finish on Monday. The test was not that hard so I think I will get a good grade. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Globalization Slides

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


            Today in human geography we shared the slide shows on globalization, they were very good and I really liked the project. It was fun sharing and hearing about everyone else’s slides. It was good to hear other people’s ideas about globalization. I learned a lot more about globalization and it should help me a lot on the test. After the slide shows we went over what will be on the test on Friday. It should just be everything we have been talking about for the last few weeks. It does not sound too hard I will just need to study my notes. That’s all for today, thank you for reading. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike behind the seans

Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human geography


            Today in human geography we talked more about the Nike sweatshops and if they have gotten better since the video we saw. I think it has not gotten much better because they are still paying their workers only $3.70 a day. All these web sites are making it sound that that money better than what they were getting before but once you calculate inflation it is not better at all. Minimum wage in that country is $4.00 a day but Nike is hiring people to rough their workers up and telling the workers they will kill them if they do not sign to except less than minimum wage. Nike is only saving 50,000 dollars a day by doing this and for a multi- billion dollar company that is nothing, they will double that spend that every day a week for one promotion. That’s all for today thank you for reading.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Behind the swoosh

Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography
               Today in human geography we talked about the blogs, about how many words they must contain and how they should have a good title. After that we talked about the founder of a group called educating for justice. This man who founded the organization was a soccer player and coach for St. Johns College who had the best soccer team in the country at the time. The college gets offered 3.5 million dollars and all Nike equipment by Nike. This coach was doing some research and found out that Nike has factories in Indonesia and their working conditions are very gruesome. They have wages of one dollar and fifty cents and lower and very long hours. After this coach found this out he was fighting having to wear Nike equipment and promoting the company. His boss told him to drop it or resign so he resigned and contacted a good friend that he went to school with and they went to Indonesia to see how bad these workers living conditions were. They later found out that the workers lived in 10” by 10” foot concrete boxes with open sewers and no beds. With a wage of one dollar and fifty cents they tried to survive for a month. They went to the factories where these people worked and to the offices where the CEO works and no one would speak about the working conditions at their factories. This man went to great lengths to try to help these people. That’s all for today, thank you for reading.     

Friday, September 13, 2013


Dominic Huskins

Mr. Schick

Human Geography


Today in human geography we talked about how to use Wikipedia and that it is filtered much better than you might think. Mr. Schick sowed us some good ways to find research for papers. We talked about valid places to find information, personal blogs are not valid sites. We began research for our group presentation, I like working with groups because we can split up the work and lighten the work load. We are already collecting a lot of information for the slide presentation. We have found a couple good sites, but there are more bad sites than I thought there would be. I think that this will be a good assignment, it should help prepare us for the test and give us more knowledge of globalization. Well that’s all for today, thank you for reading.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human Geography
            Today in human geography we talked about the spread of things or globalization. We spoke about how they have huge cargo containers shipping across the Atlantic Ocean every day. They are transported from ship to train to truck for transport around the world. We talked about the United Nations and what would happen if the USA pulled out of the Nations. We also talked about what would happen if we stopped funding the Middle East, and if we just pulled all the forces, defenses and money. We agreed that places like Iran and Iraq would completely wipe Israel of the map and then the United States could not get petroleum because of all the fighting. One small move can destroy a whole economy. This is a reason that we should not let Syria do what they are doing, but we are taking many risks if we get involved. Well that’s all for today, thank you for reading. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human Geography
            Today in human geography we started with using our Google Documents and took notes for the test. I got two more people in my group and it is nice because we can get more information for our page. After we finished with the Documents we talked about globalization, I learned that globalization is often associated with “Americanization” or the exporting of American brands like KFC or McDonald's. I also learned that globalization is a process that is as old as civilization its self, I thought it was a new thing but it’s not. The Silk Road was one of the first forms of this, it was a route that connected markets in Asia and Arabia. The process of globalization has spread religious faiths far beyond their original places. For example, Roman Catholicism developed in the Mediterranean region, now it is one of the most common religions of the Caribbean area. Well that’s all for today thank you for reading.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Dominic Huskins
Mr. Schick
Human geography
               Today in human geography we got our Google documents working. This is a very handy feature of Google, you can have a group of people or a study group all on the same page to come up with things that you think could be on tests or quizzes or really anything you want. I think that Google documents will help on tests because you can get other people’s ideas on tests and quizzes. It is very easy to set up, you just go to the g-mail account and download the Google drive option and then follow the steps to set up a group. Then you can take notes with other people, once it is set up it is very easy to operate. We had a hard time setting them up because the internet was not working very well on our tablets. But once we got them working it was great. Well that’s all for today, thank you for reading.